This web site is recommended to scholars working in the humanitarian sciences, as well as to the general public interested in the history and culture of the Caucasus. It is dedicate to the fabulous Caucasian country, Georgia, the homeland of Prometeus and Medea. The Caucasus is the one of the most vivid and multiflorous, but actually unknown part of the world. At the same time, its key importance is quite obvious in many aspects of modern life. This region is located in the center of the Eastern Hemisphere, between Europe and Asia, from the West to the East and between Russia and the Near East, from the North to the South I am Georgian historian and archaeologist. I attached to this text the List of Publications, Curriculum Vitae and the List of References to my Works, perhaps they would be of some help to represent myself. I have a very rich Personal Library - the result of many year's standing collecting. Some of My Publications Available in the Web: On the Chronology of the 1st Phase of Central Anatolian EBA (in Georgian) 358 KB The Problem of Interrelation of Central Anatolian and NW Caucasian Cultures (in Russian) 294 KB On the Etymology of Some Minoan Words (G) 738 KB On the Interrelation of Central Anatolia and N.-W. Caucasia (G) 500 KB The Sociological Interpretation of the "Royal Tombs" (G) 278 KB About the Appearance of Hittite Tribes in Central Anatolia (G) 491 KB The Chronology of the Aeneolithic-Bronze Age Cultures of Georgia (R) 2054 KB About the Kartvelian Tribes in Anatolia (G) 10238 KB Some Aspects of Georgian Aeneolithic/Bronze Age Cultures (R) 144 KB We Must Return the Tbilisi Time (G) 141 KB The Interrelation of the Transcaucasian and Palestinian Population (G) 311 KB Probleme der historischen Geographie Anatoliens und Transkaukasiens 156 KB The Caucasian Gateway. Viewpoint (G) 131 KB The Interrelationship Between the Transaucasian and Anatolian Populations 676 KB Georgia and the Main Caucasian Range (G) 720 KB Gogla from the Proximity... from the Distant of Years (G) 942 KB Meskheti - An Old Cradle of Gogla's Ancestors (G) 106 KB The Metallurgical Data for the Formation of Chronology 673 KB The Identiy of the Mysterious Statue from the Erzerum Museum 23 KB An Addressee of One of Gogla's Verse's (G) 46 KB Problems of the Interrelation of Caucasian and Anatolian Cultures 103 KB Some Remarks About the Review of M.V. Andreeva (R) 492 KB Two Transcaucasian Ethnonyms of Anatolian Origin 596 KB Three Pages from the Anatolian Diary (G) 1460 KB Georgian Chronicles and the Raison d'Etre of the Iberian Kingdom 589 KB Die frueheste Metallobjekte in Zentral-Transcaukasien 33 KB Some Anatolian & Caucasian Ethnonyms of the Classical Sources 320 KB The Sense of Existence of the Iberian Kingdom (G) 6395 KB The Ancient East and the Origin of Georgians (G) 494 KB Problems of the Interrelation of Caucasian and Anatolian Cultures (G) 1738 KB The Chronology of the Caucasus during the Early Metal Age 186 KB Middle Transcaucasia - an Outpost or a Bridgehead... (G) 152 KB Instructions: How to Defend Ourselves from Wild Beasts (G) 1001 KB Who Was a Protorype of Chorexi? (G) 305 KB Daiaeni/Diaukhi and the Georgian Political Tradition (G) 218 KB Towards the Location of the Ancient "Royal City" of Daiaeni (G) 607 KB Gogla - the Prototype of Chorexi? (G) 65 KB Giorgi Leonidze and the Freedom of Georgia (G) 39 KB The Ancient Country of Taokhians (G) 2010 KB Caucasian Georgia - a Bridgehead or a Stronghold 79 KB The Chronological Interrelations of EBA Cultures (G) 774 KB A Man Showing the Way (G) 56 KB Problems of the Historical Geograpy of SW Transcaucasia (G) 937 KB The Carthaginians and the Caucasus (G) 349 KB Ancient State Formations (Georgia) (R) 330 KB Problems of State Development of Georgia (G) 12393 KB Towards the Location of Ancient City-Fortresses of Tao (G) 461 KB For the Location of Sololaki (G) 133 KB Ancient Transcaucasian Data About Carthaginians (G) 828 KB The Problem of Interpretation of Ancient Gem from Paris 20 KB Leonidze and the Idea of Freedom of Georgia (G) 195 KB The Caucasus and the Carthaginians (G with Eng. summary) 1079 KB On the Pagan Pantheon of the Iberian Kingdom (G) 229 KB How was Transformed a King's Statue to the Fragment from Erzurum (G) 113 KB The Earliest Manuscript of Poem Is in Turkey? (G) 591 KB What Is the Future of Georgian Villages and Monuments in Turkey? (G) 718 KB To the Explanation of the Term "Arian-Karttli" (G) 189 KB "Arian-Kartli" - the Myth or Reality? (G) 410 KB Historical Data About the Geopolitical Role of the Caucasus (G) 388 KB Some Pages of Georgian History As They Were Seen by G. Leonidze (G) 230 KB To the Problem of "Arian-Kartli" (G with Eng. summary) 2546 KB Some Problems of the Anatolian-Caucasian Marchland (G) 1920 KB To the Essence of Deities of Pagan Iberia (G) 604 KB The History of Warfare in the Ancient East (G) 3784 KB The Geopolitical Role of the Caucasus from the Historical Perspectives 75 KB Was Found an Ancient Manuscript of the Poem in Turkey? (G) 129 KB About an Article Published in Newspaper (G) 126 KB Where Was Located Mcxeta at the Beginning and What Was a Real Meaning of Its Name? (G) 226 KB The Importance of the Caucasian Chronology for the Establishment of the Common East European - Near Eastern Chronological System of Paleometallic Age (R) 146 KB Ancient Tao from the View-Point of Historical Geography (G) 104 KB Unkown Details from the Life of Gogla Leonidze (G) 228 KB About the Ancient Location of Mc'xet'a and Its Name (G with Eng. summary) 1225 KB Georgia, the Caucasus and Geopolitics (G with Eng. summary) 4942 KB The Commendatory Foreword by Giorgi L. Kavtaradze 2770 KB An Attempt at Dating the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Culture 4332 KB The Relationship Between the Caucasus and the Middle East During the “pre-Kura-Araxes” Period 1695 KB Transcaucasia and the Problem of the Uruk Cultural Phenomenon 2543 KB The Term “Kartli” – Its Essence and Origin (G with Eng. summary) 6943 KB On the Importance of the Caucasian Chronology for the Foundation of the Common Near Eastern - East European Chronological System (Eng. with G summary) 8337 KB On the Importance of the Caucasian Chronology for the Foundation of the Common Near Eastern – East European Chronological System, - The Proceedings of the Institute of History and Ethnology, vol. XII-XIII, 2012/2013. Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi, 2014, pp. 23-45. About the Statue of Gagik I, King of Ani_ანისის მეფის გაგიკ I-ის ქანდაკების შესახებ, - სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია: საქართველოს ეკლესია გუშინ, დღეს. რედ.: ბ. არველაძე. კავკასიის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის შრომები. თბ., 2016, გვ. 19-29. An Attempt at Dating the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Culture on the Background of the ‘Uruk Cultural Phenomenon’, In: At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age, Elena Rova & Monica Tonussi (eds). Proceedings of the International Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th - January 12th, 2013 (Publications of the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2. Supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). Subartu XXXVIII – a peer-reviewed series edited by the European Centre for Upper Mesopotamian Studies. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2017, pp. 91-112. ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 (D/2017/0095/131). How was created the poem of George Leonidze "Childhood and Youth"_როგორ იქმნებოდა გიორგი ლეონიძის პოემა "ბავშვობა და ყრმობა“, - „ლიტერატურული მესხეთი“, N 9 (237), სექტემბერი, 2018 წ., გვ. 28-29 (გამოქვეყნდა 2018 წლის აგვისტოს დამლევს. About the Identity of the “Bun-Turks” and “Hons” of the Conversion of Kartli_"მოქცევაჲ ქართლისაჲ"-ს ტექსტის "ბუნ-თურქთა" და "ჰონთა" ვინაობის საკითხისათვის, - ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ივანე ჯავახიშვილის ისტორიისა და ეთნოლოგიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, ტ. XIV-XV, 2016-2017. თბ., 2018, გვ. 19-43. . Some Problems Concerning the Chronology of Late Neolithic – Early Metal Age Cultures of Caucasia. In: Context and Connection: Essays on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona, Batmaz A., Bedianashvili G., Michalewicz A., Robinson A. (eds). Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Leuven: Peeters, 2018, pp. 77-91. ISBN: 978-90-429-3403-0. Curriculum Vitae (CV) Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze - Google Scholar Giorgi-Leon Kavtaradze - LinkedIn Giorgi Kavtaradze - Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze - Research Gate Giorgi Leon Kavtaraże - Scribd Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze Centre of Caucasian & Anatolian Studies TSU Research Portal_Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Matt Law, Colleen Morgan. The Archaeology of Digital Abandonment: Online Sustainability and Archaeological Sites, see: Appendix 1, no. 41 Kura-Araxes-Kultur-Deutsch Wikipedia ( GIORGI L. KAVTARADZE_GEORGIA_TBILISI – Giorgi L.Kavtaradze _ Kavtaradze Center of Caucasian and Anatolian Studies _ History, Archaeology & Ethnology in Georgia _ Central Transcaucasia and the Outer World (From a Diachronic Point of View) LECTURE 1 – Introduction An Attempt at Dating the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Culture, – Humboldt Kolleg International Conference in Venice: At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age, 9-11, January, 2013. Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici The Relationship between the Caucasus and the Middle East during the “Pre-Kura-Araxes” Period, – Materials of the International Archeological Symposium: Problems of Maykop Culture in the Context of Caucasian-Anatolian Relations. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 29-30 June, 2013 При характеристике внешней политики России, часто употребляется клише, что она «непредсказуема». Это, на наш взгляд, неверно: Политика России вполне предсказуема, она всегда была нацелена на расширение своих «пределов» в сторону наименьшего сопротивления, поглощая все, что «плохо лежит», т.е. те страны, которые не имеют силу и волю к сопротивлению. На самом деле «непредсказуема» политика т.н. международого сообщества (в лице успешных «западных» стран), – очень трудно предопределить насколько и за какую цену готовы они иногда смириться с агрессивными помыслями кремлевских руководителей и уступить им в том или ином эпизоде политического противостояния (20 ноября, 2013). “Pro-Westerners” or “pro-Russians” = supporters of Georgia's existence or its integration with Russia (November 25, 2016). Non-implementation of Article 5 on the Occupied Territories with NATO perspective or the "Southossetization" of whole country?! (September 12, 2019) From a historian's point of view: reptiles, mammals, birds are somewhat reminiscent of Semites, Indo-Europeans and Caucasians ;) (October 14, 2019) There is the concept of “American Dream”. What should be the dream of Georgians from a Russian point of view?! (February 13, 2020). What is the greatest pleasure for a man?! - To be above all pleasures! (February 12, 2020). Kavtaradze-Publications Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History & Ethnology Kavtaradze Center of the Caucasian & Anatolian Studies Years in photographies Photographies of My Parents:Lamara (Nestan) Leonidze & Leon Peter Kavtaradze Leonidze-Museum in Patardzeuli (Sagarejo), Georgia Botkoveli - What Was Seen by My Own Eyes Giorgi Leonidze. Photographies Giorgi Leonidze. Biography Giorgi Leonidze. Autobiography (in Georgian) Leonidze - a Publicist (in Georgian) From the book: Giorgi Leonidze. The Tears of Georgia. Compiled by Nestan (Lamara) Leonidze. Tbilisi 2000 (in Georgian). From the book: Giorgi Leonidze. The Selected Poetry; 1st part. Ed.: G. Margvelashvili. Tbilisi. Publishing House Merani, 1986 (in Russian Translation); 2nd part (in Russian Translation) From the Book: Giorgi Leonidze. The Tree of Desire. Tbilisi, 1962 (in Georgian) Scene from the movie "the Tree of Desire" (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Phortokhala. Tbilisi, 1951 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Samgori (Poem). Tbilisi, 1947 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Childehood and Adolescence (Epopee). Tiflis, 1936 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Georgian Messianism. Journal "Bakhtrioni", No. 2, 1922 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Dilek Ağacı (in Turkish) Giorgi Leonidze's Poetry in French Translation Giorgi Leonidze's Poetry in English Translation Proceedings of the 4th and 5th Conferencies Dedicated to the Memory of Giorgi Leonidze. Summaries of Papers. Patardzeuli- Tbilisi, 2005 (in Georgian) Nestan Leonidze. My father (memories). (In Georgian) Jibo Lomashvili. The Reminding of Giorgi Leonidze. 1997 (in Georgian) Murad Mtvarelidze. The Grief of Giorgi Leonidze. "Literaturuli Sakartvelo", 2006, 23.06 (in Georgian) Giorgi Papuashvili. My Last Meeting with Giorgi Leonidze, - Mtsvaneqvavila, #2, 2000 (in Georgian) Levan Gotua. Georgian Soil Which came as a Verse (in Georgian) Bondo Arveladze. Enemy does not Sleep ... (in Georgian) Nona Kalandarishvili, Maia Tsertsvadze. Memories of Giorgi Leonidze and "The Tree of Desire" (in Georgian). Giorgi Leonidze - Program "Memory" of the First Georgian TV Channel, 14.05.2010 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leonidze. Once More Meeting the Kipchak (in Georgian) Gogla (Giorgi Leonidze) at Facebook Giorgi Leonidze - BURUSI by Tengiz Verulava (in Georgian) Levan Leonidze - BURUSI by Tengiz Verulava (in Georgian) Nestan Leonidze - BURUSI by Tengiz Verulava (in Georgian) Petre Kavtaradze - BURUSI by Tengiz Verulava (in Georgian) Acad. Peter Paul Kavtaradze 1888-1966 (in Georgian) Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze - BURUSI by Tengiz Verulava George Kavtaraze (Facebook) Giorgi Leon Kavtaraze (Facebook) Marina Kavtaraze (Facebook) Marina Kavtaradze Webpage Marina's "Arts" Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze Center of Caucasian & Anatolian Studies Technical Documentation of the Center - Non-Entrepreneur (Non-Commercial) Juridical Person: Giorgi L. Kavtaradze Centre of the Caucasian and Anatolian Studies - Georgia, Ajara Autonomous Republic - Technical Documentation Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History & Ethnology Giorgi Kavtaradze. Materials about my participation in the competition held in the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in 2010 (in Georgian) The web site of kavtara

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